Learning Today,
Leading Tomorrow

This Website is for the NCERT Students.

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A Proud Navodayan, who want to serve resources to those Students who are willing to learn

A geNIus platform which gives you a chance to download the ebooks for free by one click and watch the course videos by one click.

  • Class Vi-X(2012-2017) : Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Kalaburagi. X->CGPA:9.2
  • Class Xi-Xii(2017-2019) : Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Kalaburagi. XII->Score:73.5%
  • UG-B-Tech(CSE)(2019-Present): M.S.Ramaiah University Of Applied Sciences Bangalore.CGPA:8.68

Why Choose geNIus?

geNIus is a Platform where NCERT Students from class VI to XII can get free available resources like videos,Books,Practice Examplar.Which You(Students) can download and use them for any time.


This Section contains eBooks from class VI to XII which can be downloaded easily.


This Section contains courses which are available for free to use and access it and gain the knowledge.

Need Anything?

If you need any resources to read,contact us anytime via given below link.